A repository for testing and demonstrating the Console.Waterworks (Full & Core) NuGet packages. The main aim is to see how well they work in an F#-only environment.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
578 B

// Use this script file to test out the BFLibCore functions in F# Interactive (no need to compile).
#load "FunkyFish.fs"
open FunkyFish
let exampleOne = LibraryTest1 2 4
printfn "The result for LibraryTest1 is %i" exampleOne
let exampleTwo = LibraryTest2 3 20 2
printfn "The result for LibraryTest2 is %i" exampleTwo
let exampleThree = LibraryTest3 "George"
printfn "The result for LibraryTest3 is %s" exampleThree
// Feel free to add more functions and test them out here.
// Once they are working as intended you can move them over to ConsoleCommands in BrittleFish.