A repository for testing and demonstrating the Console.Waterworks (Full & Core) NuGet packages. The main aim is to see how well they work in an F#-only environment.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace Commands
module ConsoleCommands =
open System
open Console.Waterworks
open Console.Waterworks.Attributes
open FunkyFish // This is where the "LibraryTest" functions are -- in BFLib
[<Description "Display a message to the console signifying the program is running as intended.">]
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Usage "> test">]
let test() = "The console is working"
[<Description "Closes the program.">]
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Usage "> exit">]
let exit() = System.Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode)
[<Description "Display a list of available commands, info. about the command, its parameters and an example of how to use it.">]
[<Parameters "None">]
[<Usage "> help">]
let help() =
let liaison = CW_Liaison()
[<Description "Adds the two numbers together.">]
[<Parameters "x:int y:int">]
[<Usage "> libtest1 5 10">]
let libtest1 x y = String.Format("Result: {0}" , LibraryTest1 x y)
[<Description "Multiplies x and y together then mulitplies that by z or... (x * y) * z">]
[<Parameters "x:int y:int z:int">]
[<Usage "> libtest2 5 10 2">]
let libtest2 x y z = String.Format("Result: {0}", (LibraryTest2 x y z))
[<Description "Appends the named passed into the console onto \"Hello\" and displays it in the console.">]
[<Parameters "name: string">]
[<Usage "> libtest3 \"Craig Oates\"">]
let libtest3 name = String.Format("Result: {0}", LibraryTest3 name)
[<Description "Displays a message in the console, signfying the command-method is working.">]
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Usage "> test 1">]
let ``test 1``() = "Result: Test 1 working"
[<Description "Displays a message in the console, signfying the command-method is working. The command uses F#'s double back-tick notation -- hence the command name and usage example not matching up.">]
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Usage "> test 2">]
let ``test-2``() = "Result: Test 2 working"
// This only works when you type "test 2" not ideal but better then nothing
[<Description "Displays a message in the console, signfying the command-method is working.">]
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Usage "> test 3">]
let """test 3""" = "Result: Test 3 working"
(*This is not displayed in the help section, regardless of the attributes.
It still works if you enter the command into the console, though.*)
[<Description "Displays a message in the console, signfying the command-method is working.">]
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Usage "> test 4">]
let """test-4""" = "Result: Test 4 working"
(* This only works when you type "test 4" not ideal but better then nothing.
This is not displayed in the help section, regardless of the attributes.
It still works if you enter the command in the console, though.*)