update home.

Craig Oates 5 years ago
  1. 24


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# Home
* Created by: Craig Oates
* Web: [craigoates.net](http://www.craigoates.net)
* Email: [craig@craigoates.net](mailto:craig@craigoates.net)
* License: [MIT](https://gitlab.com/craig.oates/Brittle-Fish/blob/master/LICENSE)
Welcome to the wiki of Brittle-Fish. If you are looking to learn about using Console.Waterworks in a F#-only environment, you have come to the right place. The aim of this wiki is to teach you about using Console.Waterworks in an F# context. I recommend you read the actual Console.Waterworks wiki if you want to know how it works. You can head over to the wiki by clicking the following link,
* [Console.Waterwork Wiki](https://gitlab.com/craig.oates/Console.Waterworks/wikis/home)
Before continuing, I recommend you are familiar with the following;
* .Net 4.7+ and/or .Net Core 2.0+
* Visual Studio 17 (15.3.9+)
* F# 4.1+
* NuGet
## Notes on Writing Style
1. Because Console.Waterworks and Console.Waterworks.Core are wordy, I will usually refer them as "C.W." and "C.W.C".
2. Because C.W.C. is just the .Net Core version of C.W., I will sometimes say C.W. when I mean both. Hopefully, this grouping makes sense when viewed in context.
3. I will sometimes use "console program" and "console project" interchangeably. This because how Visual Studio's "file system" works. Overall, there is a "solution" which holds "projects". A project can consist of things like a console program. In-effect, this makes it a "program" and a "project". Hopefully, this makes sense when viewed in context.