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remove MakeImage2 code.

Reduce the amount of possible duplicate code in logic branches. And, update Scratchpad to reflect the changes. Draw border logic will, also, be added but it will be incomplete and produce incorrect results.
Craig Oates 6 years ago
  1. 82
  2. 6


@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module ImageMaker =
| true -> ()
// This function is to be deleted.
let makeImage width height colour filepath =
let makeImageBase width height colour filepath =
async {
validateDimension width
@ -49,61 +49,53 @@ module ImageMaker =
| _ as ex -> return ex.Message
let private drawMainImage spec =
use bitmap = new Bitmap (spec.width, spec.height)
use graphics = Graphics.FromImage (bitmap)
graphics.FillRectangle (spec.colour, new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height))
bitmap.Save (spec.filePath)
printfn "[SUCCESS] Image saved."
let private createBorderPath spec =
[|Point (10, 10);
Point (spec.width, 10);
Point (spec.width, spec.height);
Point (spec.height, 10);
Point (10, 10)|]
Need to call dispose manually because of how the image is/can be built-up.
need to reduce the amount of branching code... it's getting unwieldy.
create bitmap
create graphics
draw base
check overlay
add border
add full overlay
write image to disk
dispose resources
write output message*)
let private drawImageWithBorder (graphics: Graphics) (pen: Pen) spec =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding border to image..."
let penPath = createBorderPath spec
graphics.DrawLines (pen, penPath)
let private createBorderPositions spec =
[|Point (0, 0);
Point (spec.width, 0);
Point (spec.width, spec.height);
Point (spec.height, 0);
Point (0, 0)|]
let private drawImageWithBorder spec =
let overlay = spec.overlay.Value
use bitmap = new Bitmap (spec.width, spec.height)
use graphics = Graphics.FromImage (bitmap)
use pen = new Pen (overlay.colour)
let border = createBorderPositions spec
graphics.DrawLines (pen, border)
printfn "Overlay image function not finished."
let private drawImageWithFullOverlay graphics pen spec =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding full overlay to image..."
let private drawImageWithFullOverlay spec = ()
let private addOverlayToImage graphics spec =
let overlay = spec.overlay.Value
let pen = new Pen (overlay.colour, Width = 10.0f)
match overlay.overlayType with
| Border -> drawImageWithBorder graphics pen spec
| Full -> drawImageWithFullOverlay graphics pen spec
let private drawImageWithOverlay spec =
match spec.overlay.Value.overlayType with
| Border -> drawImageWithBorder spec
| Full -> drawImageWithFullOverlay spec
let private drawImage spec =
let bitmap = new Bitmap (spec.width, spec.height)
let graphics = Graphics.FromImage (bitmap)
let rectangle = Rectangle (0, 0, spec.width, spec.height)
graphics.FillRectangle (spec.colour, rectangle)
match spec.overlay.IsSome with
| true -> addOverlayToImage graphics spec
| false -> printfn "[INFO.] No overlay specified. Creating image without one."
bitmap.Save (spec.filePath)
let makeImage2 spec =
let makeImage spec =
async {
printfn "[INFO.] Attempting to make image..."
validateDimension spec.width
validateDimension spec.height
validateDirectory spec.filePath
match Option.isSome spec.overlay with
| true -> drawImageWithOverlay spec
| false -> drawMainImage spec
return "[SUCCESS] Image creation attempt complete."
drawImage spec
printfn "[SUCCESS] Image creation attempt complete."
return ()
| :? ArgumentException as ex -> return ex.Message
| _ as ex -> return ex.Message
| :? ArgumentException as ex -> printfn "%s" ex.Message
| _ as ex -> printfn "%s" ex.Message


@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let im_height = 500
let im_colour = Brushes.BurlyWood
let im_testPath = "C:/users/craig/desktop/test.png"
ImageMaker.makeImage im_width im_height im_colour im_testPath
ImageMaker.makeImageBase im_width im_height im_colour im_testPath
|> Async.RunSynchronously
@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ let imageSpec =
height = 500;
colour = Brushes.Yellow;
filePath = "C:/users/craig/desktop/test.png";
overlay = None } // Change this to quickly change between border/full overlay or None.
overlay = Some borderOverlay } // Change this to quickly change between border/full overlay or None.
makeImage2 imageSpec |> Async.RunSynchronously
ImageMaker.makeImage imageSpec |> Async.RunSynchronously