Data processing and plotting for 'Personal Flash' artworks.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
3.7 KiB

# ==============================================================================
# NOTE: Must run after script.
# This script parses the files in:
# - data/light-meter-1/
# - data/light-meter-2/
# and creates new CSV files which includes the total number of readings on a
# given day and hour (of that day). The daily totals are stored at the top the
# data/ directory at:
# - data/light-meter-1-daily-totals.csv
# - data/light-meter-2-daily-totals.csv
# and the hourly breakdowns are stored in :
# - light-meter-1-hourly-totals
# - light-meter-2-hourly-totals
# Because of the amount of files produced, I've made the script seperate each
# hourly-based file into a directory corresponding to the month the readings
# where taken. So, you should see a file structure similar to this,
# data/
# └── light-meter-1-hourly-totals/
# ├── 2021-06
# │   ├── 2021-06-01.csv
# │   ├── 2021-06-02.csv
# │   ├── 2021-06-03.csv
# │   ├── 2021-06-30.csv
# │   └── 2021-06-31.csv
# ├── 2021-07
# │   ├── 2021-07-01.csv
# │   ├── 2021-07-02.csv
# │   ├── 2021-07-03.csv
# │   ├── 2021-07-30.csv
# │   └── 2021-07-31.csv
# └── 2021-08
# ├── 2021-08-01.csv
# ├── 2021-08-02.csv
# ├── 2021-08-03.csv
# ├── 2021-08-29.csv
# ├── 2021-08-30.csv
# └── 2021-08-31.csv
# 3 directories, 93 files (I've shorted the list for brevity)
# Note: Repetitive use of file names
# ==============================================================================
# You will find I've used the date of the readings as the go-to naming
# convention for naming files. Basically, I'm relying on the system's directory
# structure to provide the context for the data in each file. I didn't want the
# file names to carry the 'folder structure' and end up with longer file names
# the deeper into the data/ directory you go. The trade-off is when viewing
# files on their own, their file names don't provide enough context and can be
# confusing when dealing with them in isolation (outside of the projects
# directory structure).
getDailyReadingTotals () {
mtr=$1; # Light Meter
echo "date,reading" > "data/light-meter-$mtr-daily-totals.csv";
for month in {6..8} ; do
for day in {1..31} ; do
if [[ $day -lt 10 ]]; then d="0$day"; else d="$day"; fi
if [[ $month -lt 10 ]]; then m="0$month"; else m=$month; fi
echo "2021-$m-$d, $(awk 'END{print NR-1}' "data/light-meter-$mtr/2021-$m-$d.csv")" \
>> "data/light-meter-$mtr-daily-totals.csv";
getHourlyReadingTotals () {
mtr=$1; # Light Meter
mkdir -p "data/light-meter-$mtr-hourly-totals";
for month in {6..8} ; do
if [[ $month -lt 10 ]]; then m="0$month"; else m=$month; fi
mkdir -p "data/light-meter-$mtr-hourly-totals/2021-$m"
for day in {1..31} ; do
if [[ $day -lt 10 ]]; then d="0$day"; else d="$day"; fi
echo "hour,reading" > "data/light-meter-$mtr-hourly-totals/2021-$m/2021-$m-$d.csv";
for hour in {0..24} ; do
if [[ $hour -lt 10 ]]; then h="0$hour"; else h=$hour; fi
echo "$h, $(awk 'END{print NR-1}' "data/light-meter-$mtr/2021-$m-$d/2021-$m-$d--$h.csv")" \
>> "data/light-meter-$mtr-hourly-totals/2021-$m/2021-$m-$d.csv";
# Process Light Meter 1 first...
getDailyReadingTotals "1";
getHourlyReadingTotals "1";
# Process Light Meter 2 second...
getDailyReadingTotals "2";
getHourlyReadingTotals "2";