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update Midpoint doc.

Craig Oates 3 years ago
  1. 62


@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ After you have established a V.M. on A.W.S. or your own server, you
will need to clone the repository (**I am assuming this is via SSH**).
# Adjust the directories to how you prefer it. These are just my
# Adjust the directories to how you prefer it. These are just my defaults.
mkdir www
cd www
git clone http://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/midpoint.git
@ -163,10 +162,11 @@ the 'connext_app' related to the use of the Swagger API code.
gunicorn -w 3 server:connex_app
The -w 3 bit refers to the total number of workers (processors)
The `-w 3` bit refers to the total number of workers (processors)
Gunicorn will use whilst running. The general rule to work that out it
/(number of processors * 2) + 1. At the time of writing, the V.M. is a
very basic one-core machine so that is why three workers is used.
/(number of processors * 2) + 1. At the time of writing, the virtual
machine used for the exhibition is a very basic one-core machine so
that is why three workers is used.
One problem with Gunicorn is it blocks the terminal when using it in
its default way. To get around this, I have install Supervisor to
@ -179,19 +179,21 @@ sudo apt install supervisor
When Supervisor is installed, you need to create a config. file. The
file for this project is stored at
`/etc/supervisor/conf.d/spiapi.conf`. The log files (specified in the
.conf) file are,
file for this project is stored at,
- `/etc/supervisor/conf.d/spiapi.conf`
The log files (specified in the .conf) file are,
- `/var/log/midpoint/midpoint.err.log`
- `/var/log/midpoint/midpoint.out.log`
You will to recreate the directory they are stored in if you are
installing this site to a new system. The easiest way to do that is to
You will need to recreate the directory they are stored in if you are
installing this site on a new system. The easiest way to do that is to
run the following command,
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/roaming-light-api
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/midpoint
sudo touch /var/log/midpoint/midpoint.err.log
sudo touch /var/log/midpoint/midpoint.out.log
@ -206,12 +208,14 @@ sudo supervisor reload
It might take a little while for the service to restart so if you
still see "Bad Gateway" messages in the browser, that might be why.
You might find Gunicorn is not installed in the virtual-environment,
it that is the case, you should find it at,
You might find Gunicorn is not installed in the virtual-environment
(if you have decided to not install one or you simply forget to
activate like I have a habit of doing), it that is the case, you
should find it at,
- `home/ubuntu.local/bin/gunicorn`
This might, also, mean you need to use apt and not pip3.
This might, also, mean you need to use `apt` and not `pip3`.
The config. file for Supervisor should look something like the
following, (remember to adjust the places where `ubuntu` is with your
@ -252,11 +256,12 @@ username.
### Flask & Swagger
To access the A.P.I. user-interface (via Swagger), enter
- [Real Python](https://realpython.com/flask-connexion-rest-api/#using-connexion-to-add-a-rest-api-endpoint)
This site provides a good walk-through for setting-up a website using
Real Python provides a good walk-through for setting-up a website using
the Flask framework. Real Python, also, provides guides on creating
websites with Python and its various website frameworks.
@ -287,8 +292,33 @@ database. To do that, you will need to run the following commands,
# match your set-up.
cd ~/www/midpoint/app/
# If you have created and activated a virtual environment, you can
# enter 'python' instead of 'python3'.
python3 build-database.py
This will clear the database if one is already set-up and then build a
new one.
## Notes on System Limitations
### 1. Connection Times-Out on Large JSON Packets
The biggest thing to remember the REST API calls which grab 'all' the
light readings from every device, will start to fail fairly quickly
after a 'clean install'. The reason why is because the JSON package
becomes too large and the connection times out. You might get better
results on a more powerfully spec'd server than the one used for the
exhibition but I have not tested this so I cannot confirm this.
### 2. Three Light-Meters and Relays Specified but Only Two (of each) Used
Ritherdon (the factory) has three welding booths so 'Personal Flash in
Real-Time' was designed with this in mind. Over the course of the
development process, the use of the third booth was not
needed/wanted. By that time, the code, database and models had already
been created. I decided to opt for the lazy option and keep the
references to the third booth instead of removing it because it was
not impeding on the system in any way. I was, also, cautious about the
chance of a change happening late into the development cycle were I
would need to put it back it.