Craig Oates 4 years ago
  1. 2


@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ One way to change the assembly information in your .Net program is to alter it v
- [Setting Assembly Attributes]( This applies to the traditional and Core versions of .Net. It provides information on what resides in Assembly Information manifests and files.
- [How to Target a version of .Net]( This provides extra context on the Properties page in Visual Studio and how it fits the Assembly Information dialog box into it -- from a traditional .Net angle.
- [The AssemblyInfo.fs file for BrittleFish]( The actual Assembly Information file for the BrittleFish console program. Use this as a reference for your own projects.
- [The AssemblyInfo.fs file for BrittleFish]( The actual Assembly Information file for the BrittleFish console program. Use this as a reference for your own projects.
You might find you do not have a file called "AssemblyInfo.fs" within your project. If you are unfamiliar with these types of files, feel free to peruse the links above for help on learning how to add it. As an alternative, you can create a file in your project (in Visual Studio) and call it "AssemblyInfo.fs" -- make sure it is at the **root** level. From there, you can copy and paste the following code block into it (making sure you replace the code wrapped in `{delete the braces when you add your own info.}`):
