4 Unit and Property Tests Overview
Craig Oates edited this page 4 years ago

Within TestCentre, you will see a collection of unit and property tests. Each type of test uses their own testing library. For unit tests, I have used xUnit; and I have used FsCheck for the property tests. If you are unfamiliar with either of these libraries, please use the following links:

It is worth pointing out TestCentre uses xUnit's Test Runner for Visual Studio. This means you can use Visual Studio's Test Explorer -- which shows you the project's (unit and property) tests with a G.U.I. If you are unsure what that is, here is a screenshot of what it looks like.

visual studio test explorer screenshot

As you can see, it is a good way to determine what tests are passing and failing. On top of that, it highlights how the tests are organised within TestCentre.

For more information about Visual Studio's Test Explorer, use the following link: