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A UWP dashboard which provides live updates for the 'Personal Flash in Real-Time (Andy)' and 'Personal Flash in Real-Time (Tony)' artworks -- part of the 'Return to Ritherdon' project by Nicola Ellis. Documentation can be found at https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/rtr-docs/src/branch/master/eyes-and-ears
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Craig Oates c0340c93ba Squashed commit of the following: vor 3 Jahren
src/EyesAndEars.UWP 2021-6-11 snapshot. vor 3 Jahren
.gitignore Initial commit vor 4 Jahren
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README.md Squashed commit of the following: vor 3 Jahren


Return to Ritherdon: Eyes and Ears

Eyes and Ears is a Windows UWP 'Dashboard App.' which monitors the overall artwork, 'Personal Flash in Real-Time' -- which is one of several artworks in the 'Return to Ritherdon' project. For more information on the 'Return to Ritherdon' project and 'Eyes and Ears' specifically, please use the following linsk: