10 Using the Console Program
Craig Oates edited this page 4 years ago

In this repository is a traditional .Net 4.7 console called DeathSocketCLI. It allows you to utilise the features in the repository’s main project without writing code. The other project’s name is DeathSocket and it is a .Net Standard 2.0 library. I should, also, point out DeathSocketCLI does not come with an installer but you can run it wherever .Net 4.7 is.

This section assumes you have already have DeathSocketCLI on your machine. If you do not, please use the following link to learn how to do that:

To operate the CLI, you enter commands and its required arguments (which is similar to how other CLI’s work). With that said, I build the CLI with Console.Waterworks (C.W.) so it does not work exactly like PowerShell, for example. This means you need to put aside your assumptions if you are a regular user of shells, terminals, consoles and prompts.

Because the focus of this wiki is on DeathSocketCLI, I will not go into too much detail here about C.W. Having said that, you can find out more about C.W. by using the following links:

When you start the console, you will see something similar to the following image:

deathsocketcli assembly info

From here, you can begin entering commands. Before continuing,though, it is worth noting the "help" command. When you enter help into the prompt, the console will list out all the commands the program has to offer.

deathsocketcli help screenshot

To keep things simple to start with, I assume you are probably best sticking to the following commands -- until you are comfortable with what and how the console works:

  • help
  • add-default

When using add-default, you need to specify the path of the image you want to add a grid to and where you want to store it. So, when you use add-default, the console should look like the following:

deathsocket add-default screenshot

If you would like to view the source code of the commands or the program's A.P.I, you can peruse through them both using the following links:

If you go through the “help” section, you will notice other commands have input arguments too. From your point-of-view, they are typical (input) types (int, string Etc.). There are limitations to these arguments but they are outside the scope of this wiki. If you would like to know more about about these limitations, please use the following link:

After a while, you should start to get proficient with DeathSocketCLI. When you do, the command names might start feeling a little clunky and long-winded. If that is the case, you can head over the aliases section. The link for that section is as follows: